Monday, November 22, 2010

Unit 6 "exercises"

exercise 4
exercise 6
  1. thick forest                                       6.a dark cave
  2. sharp claws                             be fast asleep
  3. to make growling noises           start a fire
  4. to scream for help                             9. to pick fruit
  5. to run away in fear                            10.  to work on an experiment     
exercise 7
exercise 8
       1.had already started
       2.had shown
       3.had been traveling
       4.had been typing
       5.had saved
       6.had been practicing
       7.had been looking
       8.had left
exercise 10
        must=have to
        mustn`t=don`t have to
        are not allowed to=needn`t
exercise 11
        Museum:1.You .mustn`t take photos
                      2.You .must buy a guidebook
                      3.You needn`t leave your bags at the door
                      4.You mustn`t touch the exhibits
         Hotel:    1.You mustn`t disturb the other guests
                      2.You must leave the room by 12:00
                      3.You needn`t tidy your room
                      4.You .mustn`t leave any valuable in the room
exercise 13
         Hippos are bigger teeth than giraffes.
         Hippos are bigger mouth than giraffes.
         Hippos are as heavy as giraffes.
         Giraffes are longer  neck than hippos.
         Giraffes are taller than  hippos.
         Hippos are fatter than giraffes.
         Giraffes are run faster than hippos.
         Hippos are more dangerous than  giraffes.

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